How It Works
Each delivery, your dog will receive a full weeks worth of meals that are portioned into glass jars. There will be enough for one meal a day. This allows time for your dogs system to fully digest and rest between meals. Though, you know your dog best and are welcome to feed more frequently. Every Sunday, your dogs meals for the next week will be delivered and the previous weeks bag and jars will be picked up to be washed and sanitized for their next use.
There are four meals that we rotate through monthly. By providing your dog with a variety of different foods, you can ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Changing their meals monthly also reduces the risk of food allergies and intolerances developing.
After submitting your order, you will receive and email with two links. One is for first time orders, and the other is for return customers.
The first time order form allows us to gather information about your dog to be able to cater the meals to their specific age, weight, and activity level. It also asks about any known allergies and delivery preferences.
For return customers who’ve already given us that information, the form is a lot more simplified to make reordering a breeze.
Orders need to be submitted by 8pm on Thursdays to receive first delivery the following Sunday.